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- /* Style.fse by Troels Walsted Hansen
- ** $VER: Style.fse v2.00ß (30.11.94)
- **
- ** Purpose: Apply style to word.
- **
- ** History:
- ** Style.fse v2.00ß (30.11.94)
- ** · rewritten completely
- ** · determines whether word contains illegal characters
- ** · works as a toggle - run once to place one set of stylechars,
- ** run again to remove them
- ** · doesn't handle characters at the left or right of a word correctly :(
- ** e.g. '>>hello,' becomes '*>>hello,*' instead of '>>*hello*,'
- */
- options results
- parse arg portname stylechar
- address(portname)
- cur = result
- line = result
- /* If the current character is non-alphabetic, then start one character
- ** over to the left. This allows the cursor to be immediately after
- ** the key word (say on a space or bracket.)
- */
- /* find word */
- totalwnumber = words(line)
- if(totalwnumber < 1) then call QuitWithError('There''s no text on this line.')
- do i=1 to totalwnumber
- if(cur < wordindex(line, i)) then break
- end
- /* some useful variables for later on */
- styleword = word(line, i-1)
- wordnumber = i-1
- wordlength = length(styleword)
- wordstart = wordindex(line, wordnumber)
- /* determine whether some other character than `: ; . , ! ) ( " ? >'
- ** has been placed at the beginning or end of the line
- */
- leftchar = left(styleword, 1)
- rightchar = right(styleword, 1)
- if(translate(leftchar, '..................................................................................', '*/_#:;.,!)("?>qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmøæåQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMØÆÅ1234567890') ~= '.') then
- call QuitWithError('Leftmost character is illegal.')
- if(translate(rightchar, '..................................................................................', '*/_#:;.,!)("?>qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmøæåQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMØÆÅ1234567890') ~= '.') then
- call QuitWithError('Rightmost character is illegal.')
- /* if the current stylechars are already in place, remove them and exit */
- if(leftchar = stylechar & rightchar = stylechar & wordlength > 2) then
- do
- SETPOS X wordstart
- SETPOS X wordstart+wordlength-2
- exit
- end
- /* if other stylechars then the current ones are present, ignore them */
- if(leftchar = '*' | leftchar = '/' | leftchar = '_' | leftchar = '#' & leftchar = rightchar) then
- fixedstyleword = strip(styleword, B, '*/_#')
- else
- fixedstyleword = styleword
- translated = translate(fixedstyleword, '......................................................................................................', '->!:;@.,"()[]?''\®©þ¡ßð×¹²³¢¼½¾ÞУÇç¿qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmøæåQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMØÆÅ1234567890')
- dotword = ''
- do length(fixedstyleword)
- dotword = dotword || '.'
- end
- if(translated ~= dotword) then call QuitWithError('Word contain(s) illegal character(s).')
- /* place stylechars */
- SETPOS X wordstart
- INSERTSTRING strip(stylechar)
- SETPOS X wordstart+wordlength+1
- INSERTSTRING strip(stylechar)
- SETPOS wordstart+wordlength+2
- exit
- QuitWithError:
- parse arg errorstring
- REQUESTNOTIFY TEXT '"'errorstring'"' BT '"_Ok"'
- exit
- end